To begin with production, I started with taking screenshots of the 3D environments with the camera angles that match my storyboard. When I am done with my pencil tests, I can use these exact screenshots as a basis for my final animation backgrounds for the short.
Here are some side-by-side comparisons from my storyboard and the screenshots I have taken of the 3D models:

The first scene I will do a pencil test for is the Hospital scene. I am doing this first as it is one of my 'priority' scenes. This is classed as a 'priority' scene as it is a part of the animation that implements both 2D and 3D aspects. This is the main focus of my research, so it is important that I get testing done for this as soon as possible.
To get this started, I will import the 3D background of the hospital bed scene into my animation programme and begin sketching over it from there. The programme I will be animating in is Krita. For now, I will just draw on the 3D backgrounds and paint over them at a later stage of production.
As of now, here's what my Krita workspace looks like:
