My goal since the last update was to find a way to create the sweeping shot from the character's POV without having to drawn over each individual frame from the playblast. At first I though of just rendering a bigger picture overall and moving it around to create the camera movement, but I let go of that idea as it would seem more like a pan than actually looking through the character's point of view. I knew that I absolutely could not draw over each and every frame as that would be completely time-consuming and inefficient, so I had to think of a solution to this issue.
So I thought 'If I can't move the camera, then I'll move the background.'
I began to research how to render a 360° environment in Maya, and it was surprisingly easier than expected. Through the camera settings, under Redshift (this is also possible when using the Arnold renderer) I can choose to either render the camera as 'Standard' or 'Spherical. Rending using the 'Spherical' option results in a 360° picture of your 3D environment, and is commonly used for virtual reality spaces.

The 'Spherical' render resulted in a distorted render of my Hospital ward, but when zoomed in and moved around appropriately, this distortion can result in a feeling of being in a 3D space. The moving of the photo combined with the distortion in it creates a pseudo-3D environment, and the illusion that the camera is looking around the area. This is the resulting 'Spherical' render, which I had also drawn over:

And this is the picture in action, zoomed in and simply animated to move in front of the camera. This was done in After Effects: